Leaving addicts to recover on their own is not only cruel but wholly impossible. 

Having said this, addicts (may they be dependent on alcohol or narcotics) need a strong community to back up their efforts on recovery. Relapses are always in the cards. The fact of the matter is it is more highly likely that they would still fall back into their harmful habits despite being clean for months if left unsupervised. Such is the purpose of recovery homes.

Also known as a sober house, a recovery or rehabilitation center simply fosters a community to help challenged individuals be pried out of their addictions and keep their recovery. One sober house of note is Eco Sober House MA.

With its multiple networks of recovery homes, Eco Sober Houses has positioned itself into becoming a formidable rehabilitation house that offers optimal rehabilitation services and rehab living guided by the top professionals in the field. 

This review delves into Eco Sober House MA services which includes what type of treatment the sober living house provides, the program it implements for its residents, and the qualifications of its staff. This review targets those who are struggling with an addiction or who may have someone they love who has been touched by such evil.

The Eco Sober House Boston MA is MASH (Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing) certified. It means that the center operates under sober houses’ national standards. The Eco Sober House Center adheres to the policy of a sober lifestyle, preservation, and the maintenance of family values. The rehabilitation programs have been developed for this reason, the further return measures of addicts to society, the adaptation, and return to labor activities.

About Eco Sober Houses: Premium Rehab Living


Eco Sober Houses is a recovery homes project in Boston, Massachusetts. Their services have been created in observance of one noble mission:

“Our sole mission is to provide you or your loved one with the personalized addiction treatment you need!”

Long-term recovery is at the forefront of Eco Sober Houses’ 12-step program. The program caters to the resident’s physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. The program’s success helps clients recover their lost humanity, hence guiding them effectively through reintegration into society.

The community established at the Eco Sober House Boston is inclusivity, not discriminating against any person of race, faith, sex, or sexual orientation.

The preliminary findings had been gathered by the center specialists of Eco Sober House MA in a positive light. These characterize the sober house as completely nurturing, empowering, and indicative of genuine community.

Living in the Community: Thriving in the Rehabilitation House

Entering into the recovery homes at the Eco Sober Houses is like coming home after a long, tumultuous day. The Eco Sober House Boston is at the edge of rehabilitation innovations in the sober homes sector.

soberhouse community

The rehabilitation sector lauds the Eco Sober House MA in light of its offer of the following amenities:

  • A fully-furnished and renovated building for the residents to occupy.
  • A 30-resident capacity for the entire rehabilitation building.
  • Several spacious rooms that have the capacity of accommodating two residents
  • Aesthetic furnishings.
  • Two large bathrooms on every floor.
  • A community kitchen that had been provided with all the residents’ needs.
  • A lounge area with an entertainment showcase for the residents’ downtime and recreation
  • Provisions for individual privacy.

With these amenities in place, the Eco Sober House Boston residents are rendered with great comfort and convenience, which allows for progressive recovery that opens little to no space for relapses. The challenged residents are given sufficient headspace, support, and binding camaraderie. Through the logistical efforts that Eco Sober House had made, residents are allowed to rebuild their lives and invite new people into them.

Living in Eco Sober House Boston takes place in comfortable conditions, where all issues are provided a major victory over addiction. Staying is possible in houses intended only for men or women. There are also mixed-type establishments where both sexes reside.

The Eco Sober house cost of staying, terms of residence, and conditions should be agreed upon in advance with managers.

Eco Sober Houses’ Rehabilitation Program

The founders and staff of Eco Sober Houses have created a 12-Step program that is in line with the 12 steps that Alcoholics Anonymous is employing to rehabilitate its patients. The specifics of the 12-step program can be seen below:

  1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

However, it must be noted that the program being used by the Eco Sober House Boston had made some revisions to Alcoholic Anonymous’ existing program. They had made the tweaks to make the program its own to customize the program to cater to each of their own specific needs. And while the program is one of nobility, it recognizes that the integrity should be kept with great care, thus the decision not to disclose the program’s specifics.

But what can be said about the program’s revisions is that the 12-step program had been tailored so that the possible relapses would be avoided altogether.

The Eco Sober Houses stands out from other recovery houses not just because of the amenities and the 12-step program that had been discussed, but because of the care that the staff took into creating and implementing them. The residents are thus given a wide avenue for recovery and growth, knowing that the staff that looks after them has their holistic welfare in mind.

The center program is aimed at psychological support in overcoming addiction. Therefore, only sober clients are allowed to the rehabilitation course. To control during registration, everyone undergoes special tests to determine the presence of alcoholic or narcotic substances in the blood. In addition, all admitted persons undergo rehabilitation only if they are aware of the problem of addiction and are ready to deal with it. Psychologists of the center help to realize the presence of addiction and set up for a long course of rehabilitation, which gives a result.

All participants of the program are prepared to the end of the program, undergo resocialization, master new professions, and further arrange life. All events are held strictly confidential, data is not transferred to third parties. If desired, people from the center can keep in touch with the Eco Sober Houses center MA specialists or program participants.

Staff Qualifications

The Eco Sober House is built and cared for by a team of able-minded professionals within the Psychological and Medical fields. The institution looks out for the residents by hiring only the cream of the crop of licensed professionals who conduct comprehensive assessments of their case prior to commitment.

The sober house professionals serve a prospective approach to conduct their methodologies to rehabilitate the institution’s residents.

Each team member is highly qualified and holds outstanding posts through its years of experience. These professionals at the Eco Sober House staff effectively guide the recovery of its residents no matter how deep their addictions are rooted.

Eco Sober Houses specialists provide round-the-clock comprehensive service. An individual approach is applied to each applicant, personal sources of motivation in the fight against addiction are selected. In addition, the communication with other program participants also gives a powerful positive result. The person does not feel alone, abandoned, or the only one with an alcohol/drug problem. As a result, it is possible to achieve a high result, and the Eco Sober House rating has a high recovery rate.

Successful Treatment: Customer Reviews

Right now, only a general idea of just how successful Eco Sober Houses’ 12-step program is can be given to readers.

A great number of the sober home’s residents hold testament to the 12-step program’s effectiveness. They are willing to go on record to say that the rehabilitation community has helped them re-establish good relationships with others and, most importantly, themselves in their Eco Sober House reviews. 

A number of the recovering residents actually admit that it is not mostly the amenities and the concept of being given a place to live that they praise the community for, but the people who care for them and make the implementation of the program possible. There are some Eco Sober House reviews from people who participated in our program.

John says: 

I got into a bad company, where everyone used soft drugs as a teenager. Accordingly, I decided not to differ. As a result, I injected myself with illegal drugs for more than 10 years. I will not specify exactly what, so as not to popularize them! After I ended up in intensive care and the doctors barely managed to save me, I decided to ask for help. The doctor advised me to contact Eco Sober House. I thank the experts. They convinced me of the need to quit completely, supported me during difficult periods. Now I have completely switched to a healthy lifestyle. I play sports and work. There is a girl with whom I plan a family.

Kasandra says:

In the center, I met my future husband. We are both former drug addicts. We got married and planned to have a baby. Now we are afraid that past mistakes will not affect the health of the baby. The help of specialists helped to tie up with illegal drugs. In difficult times, we support each other and there is no need for addictions. Thanks to the experts for their help! Personally, I have no Eco Sober House complaints, only a positive experience.

Alex says:

I am a longtime former alcoholic. I know all the bars and pubs in the city. I used to wake up in unknown places beaten and robbed in a strong alcoholic intoxication. I got up and went to drink again. Waiting for a salary to drink it in one day. As a result, I lost everything, incl. self-respect. The specialists managed to restore motivation to live and put an end to alcohol.

Struggling? Contact Eco Sober Houses Today!

The points discussed here make it apparent that Eco Sober Houses is a rehabilitation community that challenged people can truly rely on.

The 12-step program is founded on sound research and is implemented with great care so as to not to lose sight of Eco Sober Houses’ sole mission. Each aspect of the program is able to cater to each resident’s physical, emotional, and psychological needs without leaving any of them short.

If you’re one who is challenged with an addiction, or might know a friend or family struggling with the same, you can call Eco Sober Houses’ number: 857-294-8500. The Support Team is available 24 hours and 7 days a week. Just give them a ring. No addict should be left alone to deal.

Struggling? To find out more about Eco Sober House price, conditions and terms contact us today!

There are five rules of what not to do to your close person when addiction is discovered. These include:

  1. Do not take on the material maintenance of the Dependent person. By paying for his expenses or giving him money, you do not give him a chance to prove himself.
  2. The same applies to aid and debt repayment. A person must realize his mistakes and be responsible for the things he has done. This is one of the key moments of his recovery.
  3. Show attention, sympathy, and support to the dependent person. Encourage in every possible way and praise for achieving results in the fight against addiction. At the same time, do not react to possible manipulations and do not allow minor weaknesses and indulgences in the treatment regimen.
  4. Show tolerance for the addicted person, but do not cover up for the addiction if it can harm others and himself.
contact ecosoberhouse

If you suspect or detect addiction, we recommend contacting Eco Sober Houses specialists to solve the problem. Do not delay the appeal, because health and life depend on it!


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