Author: James Anderson

Addiction: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, Types & Treatment

addiction therapies

As with most other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease, treatment for drug addiction generally isn’t a cure. People who are recovering from an addiction will be at risk for relapse for years and possibly for their whole lives. Research shows that combining addiction treatment medicines with behavioral therapy ensures the best chance of success for most patients. Treatment approaches tailored to each patient’s drug use patterns and any co-occurring medical, mental, and social problems can lead to continued recovery.

addiction therapies

Lassen County Behavioral Health offers regular and intensive outpatient treatment to Californians in the Northern California and Susanville area. The high number (15) of specially designed programs for unique demographics is the program’s highest-rated feature. As a person continues to use drugs, the brain adapts by reducing the ability of cells in the reward circuit to respond to it.

The Role of Therapy in Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment

The chronic nature of addiction means that for some people relapse, or a return to drug use after an attempt to stop, can be part of the process, but newer treatments are designed to help with relapse prevention. Relapse rates for drug use are similar to rates for other chronic medical illnesses. If people stop following their medical treatment plan, they are likely to relapse.

addiction therapies

Withdrawal from different categories of drugs — such as depressants, stimulants or opioids — produces different side effects and requires different approaches. Detox may involve gradually reducing the dose of the drug or temporarily substituting other substances, such as methadone, buprenorphine, or a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. For diagnosis of a substance use disorder, most mental health professionals use criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association. Horses can help people develop a sense of trust through their interactions with horses. Horses can also mirror the feelings of the handler or rider around them.

Otherwise, head to our guide on sober living homes to learn more about sober living homes, and to find a certified recovery residence near you. Addiction can significantly impact your health, relationships and overall quality of life. It’s crucial to seek help as soon as you develop signs of addiction.

Ongoing treatment

Over time, addictions can seriously interfere with your daily life. People experiencing addiction are also prone to cycles of relapse and remission. They can lead to permanent health complications and serious consequences like bankruptcy. BetterHelp can connect you to an addiction and mental health counselor. Clonidine, also known as Catapres, is used independently or with other medications that treat patients with high blood pressure. The device is a form of psychotherapy that treats people with trauma.

As you can see in the table below, marijuana is used by almost five million Californians every year (based on 2015 data), which equates to about 15% of the population. With the exception of heroin, each substance measured in the table below was used at a higher rate by Californians compared to the national average. Residents can stay for a couple months of for years, as long as they follow the rules and don’t relapse (most homes have a zero tolerance policy for using substances). Other rules usually include completing chores, attending mutual support groups regularly, and paying an equal share of the cost of renting the home. If you need help finding a treatment center, you can use our directory to find low-cost, quality treatment right away.

The three highest rated rehabs in the greater Sacramento area that offer payment assistance are listed below, along with each institution’s performance on our core metrics. The three highest rated rehabs near San Diego that offer payment assistance are listed in the table below, along with each institution’s performance on our core metrics. The three highest rated rehabs in the greater Los Angeles area that offer payment assistance are listed in the table below, along with each institution’s performance on our core metrics.

For some substances, such as opioids, the withdrawal symptoms are so severe that they create significant motivation to continue using them. There’s not a single cause of addiction — it’s a very complex condition. A significant part of how addiction develops is through changes in your brain chemistry. While naloxone has been on the market for years, a nasal spray (Narcan, Kloxxado) and an injectable form are now available, though they can be very expensive. Whatever the method of delivery, seek immediate medical care after using naloxone. But just because addiction runs in the family does not necessarily mean a person will develop one.

  1. If the cost of rehab is a barrier for you (as it is for many) and you don’t have insurance, there are still ways for you to get help.
  2. Like treatment for other chronic diseases such as heart disease or asthma, addiction treatment is not a cure, but a way of managing the condition.
  3. Substance abuse treatment is available for anyone who needs help in California– you don’t have to struggle alone.
  4. Alcohol use disorder is the most common substance addiction in the United States, followed by nicotine and marijuana.
  5. Medicines don’t cure your opioid addiction, but they can help in your recovery.

Your treatment depends on the drug used and any related medical or mental health disorders you may have. In California, nearly 14% of youth participated in binge drinking in 2013, and 10% used illicit drugs. To overcome the challenges that youth face in overcoming substance addiction, some treatment centers provide teen-specific treatment programs.

What is the outlook for addiction?

The table below shows the three highest rated treatment centers that offer payment assistance in or near San Jose, along with each institution’s performance on our core metrics. Overall, there were 20% more homeless people during the Point-In-Time (PIT) count in January of 2017 than there was in January of 2016 in Los Angeles. One of the highest increases in homelessness involved veterans –  there were 56% more in 2017 than in 2016.

Diagnosing drug addiction (substance use disorder) requires a thorough evaluation and often includes an assessment by a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a licensed alcohol and drug counselor. Blood, urine or other lab tests are used to assess drug use, but they’re not a diagnostic test for addiction. However, these tests may be used for monitoring treatment and recovery. Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. Behavioral therapies help people in drug addiction treatment modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use.

What are the types of addiction?

An overdose happens when the person uses enough of a drug to produce uncomfortable feelings, life-threatening symptoms, or death. The best plans are comprehensive, as addiction often affects many areas of life. Treatments will focus on helping you or the person you know stop seeking and engaging in their addiction. Experts believe that repeated and early exposure to addictive substances and behaviors play a significant role. Genetics also increase the likelihood of an addiction by about 50 percent, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine.