Alcohol Abuse

March 13, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol Intoxication: Acute, Symptoms, Treatments, Signs, and More

Alcohol poisoning can be life-threatening and needs immediate medical care. Alcoholic drinks contain a form of alcohol known as ethyl alcohol or ethanol. This is also found in mouthwashes, some medicines, and household products. Poisoning happens when you drink too much ethyl alcohol in a short space of time. Other kinds of alcohol that you […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 13, 2024

James Anderson

A Closer Look at Substance Use and Suicide American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal

Suicide, suicidal ideation, and suicidal attempts are major concerns for individuals who misuse alcohol, as alcohol use can lead to impaired judgment, decreased inhibitions, and impulsiveness. Call now to connect with a treatment provider and start your recovery journey. Culturally, it is considered taboo and often the language we use is both polarizing and stigmatized. […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 12, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol Poisoning: Symptoms, Causes, Complications, and Treatment

These other conditions can complicate the symptoms, making it more challenging to recognize alcohol poisoning. Most people can physically manage moderate amounts of alcohol, but everyone’s ability to metabolize alcohol is different. As such, the amount of alcohol that needs to be consumed to reach a state of alcohol poisoning varies from person to person. […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 12, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol Definition, Formula, & Facts

As the length of the alcohol increases, this situation becomes more pronounced, and thus the solubility decreases. This table shows that alcohols (in red) have higher boiling points and greater solubility in H2O than haloalkanes and alkanes with the same number of carbons. It also shows that the boiling point of alcohols increase with the […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 12, 2024

James Anderson

Why millennials are increasingly choosing an alcohol-free lifestyle PBS NewsHour

The term ​“sober-curi­ous” is used to describe the deci­sion to decrease the amount of alco­hol you con­sume. As the name implies, it encour­ages par­tic­i­pants to scale-back their alco­hol con­sump­tion and/​or begin to exper­i­ment with an alco­hol-free lifestyle. The sober-curi­ous lifestyle takes a holis­tic approach to well­ness by encour­ag­ing health­i­er lifestyle choic­es. Since then, she’s seen remarkable […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 12, 2024

James Anderson

Understanding Alcohol and Anger’s Connection

Research has shown that thought suppression may contribute to alcohol-related aggression. One study supporting this finding enlisted 245 men with a history of heavy episodic alcohol use (Berke et al., 2020). They completed surveys assessing their endorsement of traditional masculine norms, use of thought suppression, and both trait and alcohol-related aggression. It was found that […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 11, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol use disorder Symptoms and causes

It’s often at the center of social situations and closely linked to celebrations and enjoyment. Remember that changing deep habits is hard, takes time, and requires repeated efforts. We usually experience failures along the way, learn from them, and then keep going. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and what may work for one person […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 11, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol Brain Fog: How to Heal Your Brain

Sleep is another important factor in relieving the symptoms of alcohol fog or any common type of cognitive impairment. This is because sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Brain fog, or mental fog, is often described as feeling mentally drained and unable to concentrate. Signs of brain fog include reduced cognitive functioning […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 11, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol Awareness Month – NIAAA Insights

It aims to foster responsible attitudes by designating a month of candid discussions and information sharing, while reaching out to the American public via community-sponsored awareness activities and campaigns designed to prevent alcoholism. NIAAA’s wealth of research-based resources can help cut through the clutter and get at the heart of the issues around alcohol misuse. […]

Alcohol Abuse

March 07, 2024

James Anderson

Alcohol-Induced Blackouts Blackout Drunk Alcohol Blackouts

Blackout drinking is not just problematic for the drinker; it also leads to troubles for those around them. Because the drinker is still able to interact socially, their friends, family, and others can assume they are just a bit drunk but overall fine. When they are unable to remember events the next day, it can […]

Alcohol Abuse