Author: James Anderson


James Anderson, a seasoned social worker boasting a decade of expertise, secured his psychology credentials from Boston University. Immediately upon concluding his academic journey, he devoted his energies to aiding individuals grappling with alcohol and drug dependency. Currently, he channels his vast knowledge into crafting insightful articles aimed at combating substance abuse, offering guidance and support through his blog.

April 04, 2024

James Anderson

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms, Treatment, and Management

If someone relapses, there’s no need to be ashamed or embarrassed—it is common. After someone has gone through the withdrawal process and has had substances cleared from their system, it’s important they build skills to help them stay sober for the long term. The detoxification process can take on different forms depending on the substance […]


April 04, 2024

James Anderson

Substance Use in Older Adults DrugFacts National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

Older adults have not demonstrated high rates of drug or alcohol use over time compared with younger adults. It has contributed to a misconception that seniors do not abuse alcohol or drugs, and there is no such problem as alcoholism in the elderly. An ever-growing body of evidence suggests that substance abuse in older adults […]

Drug Addiction

April 03, 2024

James Anderson

Sex and Gender Differences in Substance Use National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

Node-link maps help clients see, in concrete terms, the consequences of life choices. Exhibit 3-1 provides an example of a node-link map to help a client address a cocaine addiction. For more on genograms, see TIP 39, Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy (CSAT 2004b). The continuum of addiction care (CoC) is a connective web […]

Drug Addiction

April 03, 2024

James Anderson

15 Ways to Stay Safe When Detoxing While Pregnant

My approach to detoxification for my first pregnancy 16 years ago was very simple – an organic diet which included a shot of fresh, organic wheatgrass juice almost every single day for several months. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is what makes it so cleansing as chlorophyll is a potent blood, liver, and gastrointestinal cleanser. Detoxification involves […]


April 03, 2024

James Anderson

Famous People Who Died of Alcoholism List of Celebrity Alcoholism Deaths

Let us be your guide and provide you the environment needed to regain control of your life and begin the path to recovery. Alcohol was first given to her by a doctor to help her sleep but only in little quantities. Soon, the doctor’s restrictions didn’t matter and Kumari was frequently drinking herself to sleep. […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 03, 2024

James Anderson

The Best Way to Detox from Weed: Tips and Methods for Marijuana Detoxification

As long as usual marijuana detox is a long-term goal and takes a lot of time, it is inappropriate for drug testing that requires a fast cleanse and instant results in the form of a clean urine sample. That’s why preparing for a drug test means using completely different methods. If you are a regular, […]


April 03, 2024

James Anderson

41 celebrities who have been open about their sobriety

Downey Jr. struggled for years with substance abuse before sobering up in response to an ultimatum from his wife Susan in 2003. Lohan had a very public battle with alcohol and cocaine addiction that included multiple DUIs. The Harry Potter star admitted in an interview he gave when he was 29 years old that he […]

Alcohol Abuse

April 03, 2024

James Anderson

Is Molly Addictive? Dependence & Withdrawal Symptoms

Addiction is defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine as continued use despite harmful consequences. Reports also suggest that people who use ecstasy exhibit such symptoms as well as other markers of addiction including tolerance, drug cravings, and withdrawal. In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration granted MDMA breakthrough therapy status due to the […]

Drug Addiction

April 03, 2024

James Anderson

How a Digital Detox Could Benefit Your Child

It’s ideal to include some protein in every meal for ongoing support of detox. The Epsom salts release heavy metals in the body through the skin while in the bathwater. The process called reverse osmosis flushes toxins out of the body due to the salts containing sulfates. Lots of people claim that doing a cleanse […]


April 03, 2024

James Anderson

Spice Addiction: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention

However, it is important to note that spice is not a safe alternative to marijuana and people can experience dangerous reactions to the drug. Continued use of synthetic cannabinoids can cause psychotic episodes, which in extreme cases can last for weeks, and may exacerbate existing mental-health illnesses in susceptible users. But most reports of severe […]

Drug Addiction