Author: James Anderson

How Family Can Play an Important Role in Addiction Recovery

family support in addiction recovery

OASAS treatment programs may also employ a Family Support Navigator. Navigators are trained staff that help individuals and their families understand addiction and navigate the addiction services system. With both in-person and virtual options, the Children’s Program can help children learn self-care skills and how to make healthy choices when their care giver struggles with addiction. Family and couples therapy can help address communication and other relationship dynamics between partners and other family members. The program is facilitated by Native American counselors for Native American families.

family support in addiction recovery

Ask your loved one how you can be the most supportive to them and take their lead. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.

Family support can offer understanding and acceptance, which are crucial for healing. Family members who understand addiction as a disease are better equipped to provide the support needed for recovery. When a family member is struggling with addiction, the entire family is affected.

My Loved One Needs Help

Family support can provide a safe space to express feelings and work through difficult emotions. So don’t be afraid to reach out for help from your family and loved ones. With their support, you can find the strength to keep going and stay on track with your recovery. SMART Recovery Family & Friends meetings are a dedicated space for those with loved ones who are struggling with addiction. Family members can be a non-judgmental listening ear to help you work through problems related to your drug abuse problems.

  1. Family members may experience feelings of anger, guilt, shame, and helplessness.
  2. Depending on the needs of the individual, family therapy may also be included in a treatment plan.
  3. Your loved ones can also provide emotional support, understanding, and acceptance to help you stay motivated in recovery.
  4. With SMART Recovery Family & Friends we can help improve your understanding of the problem, the support available, and help you form a plan to regain control of your own life.
  5. This emphasizes the need for expanded and enhanced family-focused support services, recognizing the dynamic and individualized nature of recovery and the cumulative impact on family members.

When a family member takes the time to understand addiction and what drives the addictive behavior, they can then help support their loved one better. Rather than blaming the person for not being strong enough or being weak-minded because they can’t get off of a substance, they understand that addiction is a more complex, bio-psycho-social disorder. And it’s not that someone wants to be addicted, it’s just there are many factors that have contributed to their disorder.

Translation Services

Depending on the needs of the individual, family therapy may also be included in a treatment plan. The comprehensive treatment plan aims to help the individual recover from the addiction and helps family members cope with the effects of addiction. Your loved ones can encourage you to seek professional help for your addiction. They can also help you find a reputable treatment program and support your decision to seek treatment.

Via web or phone-based support, our licensed, trained professionals will guide your family in rebuilding trust and healing from the damaging effects of drug addiction. Family care and support are an essential part of Hazelden Betty Ford’s healing mission because addiction takes a heavy toll on all family members and everyone in your family needs help to cope and heal. Our family programs and resources are available to you, regardless of whether your loved one with drug addiction seeks treatment. Your family members can also encourage you to practice healthy lifestyle habits as part of your recovery.

She and her staff regularly serve as a resource to families who want to support their loved one’s recovery but don’t know how. What follow are her insights for anyone who wants to play a positive role in their family member’s recovery from drugs or alcohol. It’s important to remember that addiction treatment is more than just a rehab program. Your family can play an important role in your recovery and offer critical support during the process. Whether it’s providing practical help, emotional support, or encouraging healthy habits, your loved ones can make all the difference in your journey toward lasting sobriety. It can help family members develop better communication skills, set healthy boundaries, and create a supportive environment for their loved one.

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Learning about addiction, treatment, and recovery can help you relate to and support your loved ones on their path to recovery. Family members largely endorse the reports of individuals in recovery, validating the diverse impact of recovery across various life domains. However, research reveals the widespread adverse consequences of addiction on family members, often persisting even during recovery. This emphasizes the need for expanded and enhanced family-focused support services, recognizing the dynamic and individualized nature of recovery and the cumulative impact on family members.

Recognizing the dynamic nature of recovery and its multifaceted impact on families is crucial for designing effective support systems that truly cater to their specific needs. Addressing the unmet needs of adolescents with substance abuse issues is crucial. Community stakeholders and public officials play a vital role in driving decisions and policy approaches that prioritize family support and integrated care models.