Author: James Anderson

How To Detox Your Body While Pregnant: 7 Healthy Ways 2024

detox for pregnant women

For this reason, it is often best for expectant mothers to detox off any drug use during pregnancy. Detoxing off drugs or alcohol while pregnant is possible, but should be closely monitored by medical professionals. EHproject has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We work mostly with peer-reviewed studies to ensure accurate information. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Instead of consuming caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, you can get drinks that help to detox and are safe for pregnancy.

  1. It’s going to be generally safer to make sure you’re just buying pre-pasteurized juices instead.
  2. Indeed, eating a health amount of fruits and vegetables can be difficult when you’re pregnant, especially if you become food averse to specific kinds of produce.
  3. Rehabilitation is not a cure for drug addiction, but it does increase your chances of managing substance abuse and decreases your risks of certain health effects.
  4. Clinicians have set specific protocols for detoxing pregnant women that health organizations like The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recommend.

The medical teams at the centers are sympathetic to the struggles with addiction and understand the need for a mother to get clean. If you’re pregnant, medical detox and addiction treatment should always include obstetrical care. Regular obstetric exams can prevent potential problems and are important for monitoring your baby’s growth and development. Detox from any type of substance abuse when you’re pregnant can be risky for both you and your unborn child. A thorough medical exam is necessary to understand your physical health and the benefits and risks of detox drugs that ease withdrawal symptoms.

Is Rehab During Pregnancy Effective?

In addition, support groups for women undergoing the same process will help them understand the potential complications and struggles through the detox process and new motherhood. In addition, a person experiencing withdrawal is at high risk for suicidal ideation, and having 24-hour supervision may help navigate mental health issues and keep the person safe. Utilizing a medically supervised detox that includes medication-assisted treatment (MAT) options may be an option for someone who is pregnant and struggling with opioid abuse. Yes, you can, but it’s best to avoid tough detox programs during pregnancy. When you smoke during pregnancy, you increase the risk of exposing you and your body to harmful chemicals that can lead to adverse health issues.

Anyone who struggles with alcohol misuse during pregnancy may benefit from detoxification since no amount of alcohol is determined to be safe during pregnancy. Outpatient medical detoxification may be suggested, under certain circumstances. Individuals who are physically dependent on alcohol run the risk of experiencing hallucinations, confusion, seizures, and deliriousness during alcohol detox.

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to keep yourself healthy and have the most successful detox possible. Furthermore, whole grains like brown rice and oats also provide fiber that improves digestion and excretion. All this works together to optimize excretion and elimination of toxins from the body.

Best Rehab Centers For Pregnant Women

Several detox programs have been generally successful for pregnant women without posing any adverse effect. However, some did not, and were concluded not safe because they restricted vital nutrients. Clinicians have set specific protocols for detoxing pregnant women that health organizations like The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recommend. Only medical professionals can implement these protocols safely and effectively. Rehabilitation is not a cure for drug addiction, but it does increase your chances of managing substance abuse and decreases your risks of certain health effects. Despite warnings about the dangers of drug and alcohol use during pregnancy, many pregnant women still struggle with substance abuse.

Addiction Resource does not favor or support any specific recovery center, nor do we claim to ensure the quality, validity, or effectiveness of any particular treatment center. No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor. An expecting mother who wants to stop using drugs of abuse should call top-rated drug rehabs in her vicinity and inquire whether they offer detox programs for pregnancy. These programs should then be visited and compared to ensure that the mother feels safe and secure at the facility. The programs are generally designed to be private, confidential, and free from judgment.

It is pertinent that a woman who is aware that she is pregnant informs the rehab center that she is pregnant, straight from the time they enroll in the center. It will allow the doctors to make the appropriate decisions in care, such as regarding the medications being used. Some of the withdrawal medications used for regular patients can be harmful to a fetus. Abusing drugs and alcohol during pregnancy is known to cause birth defects, miscarriages, and a number of health risks to both mother and fetus. Seek guidance from your healthcare provider for a safe and healthy detox during pregnancy.

There are but you have to ensure you check the label thoroughly and only pick products with hypoallergenic ingredients. You should pay attention to the types of environment you live in and the potential toxins you may encounter. Primarily, you should avoid using harsh chemicals in household cleaners and pesticides. Helpful substitutes like herbal teas and decaffeinated options can also help with withdrawal.

detox for pregnant women

The following outpatient and residential rehab programs are designed for pregnant women with substance use disorders. A doctor will guide the expecting mother on how to undergo safe detox while pregnant. Usually, this is done by tapering the drug of addiction instead of stopping it completely and suddenly, whether it is alcohol, an opioid, or any other drug.

Limit Caffeine & Alcohol

However, some women reject entering inpatient detox during pregnancy, although it is the safest way. In such situations, it is highly recommended to perform detox in an outpatient setting under proper medical supervision instead of cleaning out the system when pregnant at home. Others may be exceedingly dangerous, to your child, yourself, or both of you. It’s essential that you know what you’re getting into before you start, and you avoid anything that could jeopardize the health of either of you. Medical detox is a supervised process in which healthcare providers monitor clients and offer medications and supplements to ease withdrawal symptoms and detox as safely as possible.

You can use the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for a number of reasons, including addiction treatment. It’s hard to quantify what constitutes a harsh cleanse or a very abrupt detox, but you can typically identify them by their instructions. If they require abrupt intake of large amounts of supplements, an abrupt decrease in the amount of food you eat, or another extreme, sudden change, you want to avoid them.

Can Pregnant Women Get Medication-Assisted Treatment?

Detoxing is hard on the body, especially if you’re limiting your food intake. It’s always a good idea to drink more water when you’re detoxing, and that’s doubly true when you’re pregnant. The trouble with a detox is that, if it works as advertised, it’s stirring up toxins in your body. This means they circulate through your blood, the same blood that your body uses to feed your child.

This low-cost drug rehab center in California offers gender-specific behavioral health services to parenting women and pregnant women. The following drug and alcohol rehab centers offer treatment plans for women with substance use issues and their unborn children. The goal of rehab programs for pregnant women is not just for the woman to recover from her addiction, but for a healthy outcome for her baby as well. In addition, medical detox allows them to be treated with detox medications that reduce the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms. This Massachusetts rehab center offers both 12-step rehab programs and evidence-based treatment with specialized treatment tracks for pregnant women. The actual best time to detox for pregnancy is well before you become pregnant.