Author: James Anderson

How To Find a Faith-Based Rehab Near You

faith based recovery programs

Struggling with substance use does not mean someone is any less spiritual, religious, or indicate any kind of moral failing. This support system allows everyone in the program to reflect and discuss their issues with like-minded people who share the same goal. This support system can continue to benefit each group member long after they complete treatment and return to their regular lives. Our seasoned financial experts will liaise with your insurance providers on your behalf, aiming to obtain the highest possible coverage for this transformative care for you or your loved one.

  1. Faith Counts is a nonprofit, multifaith organization with the sole mission to promote the value of faith.
  2. Both focus on spirituality, the importance of the community, and the bonds it can create.
  3. Faith-based rehab programs are for people who believe in God or another higher power and who would like to include these beliefs in their drug or alcohol addiction recovery.
  4. Faith-based rehab will be the start of a lifetime of recovery, but you don’t have to suffer any longer.

Or, some religious rehab centers offer spiritual treatment tracks available to anyone of faith or who is a believer in a higher power. The most important aspect is to find out what religious or spiritual beliefs the facility adheres to as well as what practices the program offers. You may want a facility with firm religious practices, or you may prefer a broader view of faith.

At a faith-based treatment center, you may also share common beliefs with others in the program. Building friendships, sharing experiences, and finding connections is a pivotal component to recovery and at a faith-based rehab, you can immerse yourself in these friendships that are aligned with your spiritual values. You can speak with someone at your place of worship (church, mosque, temple, etc.) to see if they offer faith-based addiction treatment and ask if they recommend any treatment facilities. Some of these medications reduce cravings for drugs or alcohol, while others minimize or eliminate the effects of the substance even if you were to take it.

Where to Find Religious & Spiritual Rehab Programs Near You

Faith-based recovery programs use the spiritual side to encourage recovery and continued sobriety and remind the patient that they are not alone. Faith-based recovery programs help religious people connect with their higher power to help them overcome their addiction. Similarly, outpatient treatment programs offer therapy, medication management, and additional education (such as nutrition or wellness coaching). However, patients who enroll in outpatient treatment aren’t required to live at a facility. Unlike traditional treatment facilities, faith-based facilities provide all patients with a space to go and pray.

This addiction recovery program is designed to allow patients to establish or restore their faith and relationship with God while also addressing their addiction. The program integrates clinical therapies and faith-based ideas into a personalized Christian program. Similar types of programs consist only of a Bible study and a weekly off-site church service. We approach treatment from a spiritual and clinical perspective, and all patients are assigned a therapist for their clinical needs. Faith-based substance abuse treatment is structured similarly to any secular alcohol or drug rehab program.

Informed by her personal journey to recovery and support of loved ones in sobriety, Jessica’s empathetic and authentic approach resonates deeply with the Addiction Help community. Faith-based treatment will not be the right choice for every person, but for many people facing substance abuse, faith-based options can be just what they need to find the right path. It is always recommended to have a good understanding of your insurance coverage before undertaking any new medical expenses, including substance abuse treatment. Members of the Baha’i faith are welcome to attend faith-based rehab centers where they can work to reconnect and regain meaning within their faith and lives. As one of the largest denominations of Protestant Christians with a large presence in the United States, there are numerous inpatient and outpatient rehab programs available to Baptists. One of the major beliefs and principles in the Buddhist religion is that life is based around the concept of suffering, and one of the ways people try to fix suffering is through drugs or alcohol.

What Types of Treatments Can You Find in Religious Rehab Centers?

Our faith-based addiction recovery program believes in utilizing individualized treatment methods for each of our patients, and we properly assess them before treatment begins. The study found that 73 percent of substance abuse treatment programs incorporate spiritual components such as 12-step programs. And congregations, through their support of recovery programs, provide $316 billion in savings to U.S. economy every year, the study shows. Faith-based recovery combines traditional addiction treatment with a spiritual component. Counselors and therapists at faith-based treatment centers focus on addiction treatment alongside teachings and wisdom from their faith.

Some people continue this medication-assisted treatment throughout their recovery process. Everyone who enters a faith-based recovery program is there for the same reason and with the same goals. Both focus on spirituality, the importance of the community, and the bonds it can create.

There is some stigma and shame around addiction in the Jainism community, but treatment is still available to members of this religion who are struggling. Rehab programs for Sikhs emphasize helping people to find their way back to God, pledge abstinence against substances, and partake in acts of clarity, compassion, and generosity. This religion views substance use as an unhealthy attachment and one which can distract people from their true spiritual path. On the other hand, they do acknowledge that addiction can happen to anyone and believe in treating those with alcohol or drug addiction with compassion and grace. However, they also believe in holding them accountable for their behaviors and actions.

faith based recovery programs

Pentecostals, sometimes called Charismatics, are a Protestant Christian group who believe that people must have individual and personal experiences with God through baptism. Copyright © 2024, The information provided by is not a substitute for professional medical advice. View our editorial content guidelines to learn how we create helpful content with integrity and compassion. Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain that impacts the areas that control pleasure, memory, and motivation. When someone suffers from dependence or addiction (also known as substance use disorder), their brain is so reliant on that substance that it can’t function properly without it.

Types of Faith-Based Rehab Centers & Programs

Since its inception in 1899, CRS has been a beacon of hope, breaking down barriers and providing life-changing services to individuals facing vision challenges. Everyone deserves a chance to build a new life for themselves, and faith and spirituality can be powerful tools with which to build the foundation for this new life. Instead of centering on a god or gods, the Jain religion preaches non-violence, peace, and renunciation — and on achieving a spiritual awakening.

Hindu communities and people are generally supportive of individuals with a substance abuse problem, and encourage treatments that bring about harmony and balance within. Catholic rehab programs are usually affiliated with a Catholic church or another church agency, and can be residential, outpatient, or located within parish support groups. Further, faith-based programs can be useful for people who do not follow a specific religion but who consider themselves spiritual or who welcome having a higher power in their recovery plan. For an extensive list of recovery programs, we encourage you to explore our main website’s top-ranked rehab facilities or utilize the SAMHSA Treatment Services Directory. Upon reaching out to our helpline, you’ll engage with a dedicated treatment specialist ready to guide you through the various mental health and addiction recovery services available at any Legacy Healing facility. Jessica graduated from the University of South Florida (USF) with an English degree and combines her writing expertise and passion for helping others to deliver reliable information to those impacted by addiction.

Frequently Asked Questions about Faith-Based Addiction Treatment

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