Author: James Anderson

How to Tell if Someone Is on Drugs

how to find out if someone is on drugs

Firstly, early detection allows for early intervention and increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery. Identifying the signs of drug use can also help prevent further harm to the individual’s physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and overall well-being. Physical changes are arguably the most obvious or noticeable signs of drug use.

Here are some steps to consider when approaching someone you suspect might be using drugs. Another potential sign of drug use is the presence of unexplained marks or bruises on the body. These marks can result from injecting drugs intravenously or from self-inflicted harm due to drug-induced compulsive behaviors.

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Some drugs will suppress appetite while others may cause rapid weight gain. If you notice that your loved one’s weight has changed without explanation, it could mean that they have begun to regularly use addictive substances. Recovery from drug use is a challenging journey, and the decision to seek treatment ultimately rests with the individual.

how to find out if someone is on drugs

People who inject drugs will have marks or small wounds, usually on their arms. These may also appear on the legs, hands, or sometimes even feet. These marks may become infected depending on the cleanliness of the needles used. Scarring may occur through repeated injection at the same spot.

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Most people are not going to be very public about their drug use, especially if it’s to an illegal substance. You may notice your loved one is lying about where they are or who they’re with. Maybe their story keeps changing, and they can never seem to be honest about what they’ve been up to. They may try to sneak in or out of the house, try to hide their drugs in their room or car, and they may spend more time alone in their room with the door locked. They may also choose to spend more time than usual away from home to hide their use.

One of the more severe psychological signs of drug use is hallucinations. Those without addictions can experience hallucinations as well, which is exhibited in Schizophrenia, another severe mental health issue. These often occur when the person has taken a hallucinogen such as LSD, psilocybin (mushrooms), or DMT. People who use certain drugs and become addicted may become overly paranoid or anxious.

The areas of the brain affected and changed by drug abuse are the same areas of the brain that control cognition and include learning, memory, and higher reasoning. When drugs are abused, those areas in the brain are altered. This disrupts normal functions and may cause a deficit in memory.

Heroin, crystal meth, and other drugs can also be administered intravenously. This means the drugs are injected directly into the bloodstream. We’d love the opportunity to help you during this overwhelming and difficult process. The Summit Wellness Group is located in Georgia and all of your calls will be directed to one of our local staff members. Our sincere passion is helping people recover so that they can live full, meaningful and healthy lives.

It’s crucial to remember that these physical signs alone do not confirm drug use, but they can serve as potential indicators. If you believe someone may be using drugs, it’s essential to seek professional help and support to address the situation appropriately. Understanding these physical and behavioral signs is just the first step in recognizing drug use.

  1. Other physical signs include unusual smells on the body or mouth, cold and sweaty palms, and general deterioration of physical health.
  2. Substance abuse can be overcome, and the odds of long-term recovery increase when a person seeks help through a professionally trained recovery center.
  3. Drugs of all shapes and sizes will alter the way people behave, so be sure to watch out for someone acting out of the ordinary.
  4. If you suspect someone may be using drugs, it’s crucial to approach the situation with care and concern.
  5. They might have the appearance of hiding something, spend a lot of time locked in their room or alone, or refuse to answer questions.

You might be able to observe sudden changes in people you know well, such as a family member. This is especially true if you’re familiar with their normal behavior. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth are available in powder form.

Seeking Professional Help and Support

Many drugs cause behavioral changes in a person with an addiction. However, when determining if the mood swings are rapid or out of the ordinary for the person, you must consider what is normal for them. Other physical signs include unusual smells on the body or mouth, cold and sweaty palms, and general deterioration of physical health.

Social Signs that Someone is On Drugs

Recognizing the signs of drug use is crucial in identifying and addressing potential substance abuse issues. Some substances can suppress appetite, leading to significant weight loss. On the other hand, certain drugs may cause weight gain due to increased cravings or changes in metabolism. If someone experiences rapid and unexplained weight changes without a clear medical reason, it may be worth considering drug use as a potential factor. In addition to the physical signs, there are several behavioral signs of drug addiction.

They may have even told you that they were still going to school or work. You may not even notice this until the school calls or until they stop receiving paychecks. Increased drug abuse can lead to anxiety or paranoia, especially if the drug has left their system and they are experiencing withdrawal. When drug use becomes a priority in someone’s life, hygiene and outward appearance may become less and less important. Some may forget they haven’t taken care of themselves because of the mental effects of their drug use. Others simply stop caring as their time is consumed by the high and then getting more of their drug so they can get high again.

If you believe that your loved one may be dealing with substance abuse or drug addiction, reaching out to them is the best way to start a conversation help. Substance abuse can be overcome, and the odds of long-term recovery increase when a person seeks help through a professionally trained recovery center. Knowing how to tell if someone is on drugs can help you recognize when professional help is needed. Many people struggling with addiction cannot support healthy relationships because their priority is drug use. They often let drug use get in the way of their relationships with friends, family members, and romantic partners.

Not everyone responds to treatment the same way so it’s important to find the right treatment program for you or your loved one. Consider seeking help from medical professionals and addiction specialists. They can give you advice on rehab facilities, treatment options, and resources to help you and your loved one.