Author: James Anderson

Mixing Alcohol & Percocet: Can You Drink Alcohol with Percocet?

alcohol and weed

The reason behind this is that alcohol increases the absorption of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive component in cannabis. People who smoke weed after drinking alcohol often experience a stronger high. There is no specific limit to how much alcohol and weed can be consumed together, as it varies depending on factors such as individual tolerance and the concentration of each substance. However, regardless of your experience level, it’s recommended to start low and go slow. Combining alcohol and cannabis can increase both substances’ potency and subjective effects, so take your time, exercise caution, and always consume responsibly. The effects of combining alcohol and cannabis can lead to a higher risk of accidents and injuries, as well as increase the likelihood of adverse outcomes, such as vomiting, panic attacks, and paranoia.

alcohol and weed

The American Psychological Association suggest that adolescents’ developing brains are especially vulnerable to long-term damage from weed use. In rare cases, chronic marijuana use can result in cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, which causes severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. However, the body of existing research is likely to grow and evolve as more states begin to legalize marijuana use. On the surface, weed appears to be safer, but there’s simply not enough evidence to declare a winner. While one person might feel relaxed while drunk, another might feel restless. There are countless cannabis products on the market and a number of consumption options, from vaping to edibles.

This delayed onset may cause the user to consume more than intended, creating a longer, more intense high. In extreme cases of consuming edibles, people have experienced hallucinations, delusions, and other psychotic reactions. Using Marijuana before drinking alcohol may make it difficult to gauge how intoxicated the user is from alcohol, potentially leading to dangerous situations like driving under the influence. Getting drunk from alcohol and high from Marijuana at the same time is often referred to as being cross-faded. Other slang terms used to describe the mixture are crunk, faded, blitzed, and blasted. In a survey of young adults aged 18 to 23, being cross-faded “was seen as moderately risky and not desirable by most.” However, over 18% of respondents stated that being cross-faded was desirable.

Long-term health risks

Plus, they’re unique substances that produce different effects, which makes side-by-side comparisons difficult. But if you’ve been drinking a lot, it might be hard to tell the difference between a green out and alcohol poisoning, which can be life-threatening if not treated. Adding alcohol to a low dose of THC impaired driving simulator scores by 21 percent.

alcohol and weed

Cannabis and alcohol are both central nervous system depressants, meaning they slow down breathing, heart rate and brain function. While being intoxicated with weed feels different than being intoxicated with alcohol, the two have roughly the same effect on your cognitive abilities, reflexes, and judgment. The immediate effects of weed can vary quite a bit from person to person.

Higher risk of dependence

As such, mixing weed and alcohol can produce both synergistic and antagonistic effects. Individuals who are drinking alcohol and consuming edibles should carefully monitor what they consume. However, it is safer to avoid edibles entirely when drinking alcohol. Other forms of cannabis, including edibles, can also interact with alcohol to cause most of the same risks as smoking cannabis. Edibles are foods that contain marijuana or its active ingredients, such as THC.

Adding alcohol to a high dose of THC impaired driving simulator scores by 17 percent. If using weed does indeed slow the absorption of alcohol, it might also delay feelings of drunkenness. This might seem like a good thing, but it makes it harder to know how impaired you really are.

  1. Alcohol has long been a staple of social gatherings and celebrations, with millions of people consuming it regularly.
  2. Using alcohol and weed simultaneously also increases the chances of having unprotected sex with a partner, as well as other negative outcomes relating to legal issues, academia, and relationships.
  3. Sian Ferguson is a freelance health and cannabis writer based in Cape Town, South Africa.
  4. The order in which a person uses weed and alcohol may affect the outcome.
  5. Knowing when to seek professional help for AUD/SUD can be difficult.
  6. If a couple is out on a dinner date, for example, one person orders a beer and the other a glass of wine, no one will bat an eye.

Weed use before alcohol may slow down the rise in blood alcohol levels, which can reduce or delay the sensation of being drunk. However, this finding comes from older research, and some people have questioned this study. Both alcohol and marijuana slow reaction time, impair coordination and concentration, and reduce decision-making abilities — and the drugs cause greater impairment when used together. While it’s not entirely clear why drinking alcohol makes weed more potent, it may be because of the way alcohol affects blood vessels. This may allow the lungs to absorb more THC when someone smokes marijuana.

When you mix weed and alcohol, you may experience side effects that range from unpleasant to serious. Generally, combining alcohol and weed won’t lead to serious health issues unless too much of the two substances is consumed. Using substances to cope with negative feelings may be a sign of a substance use disorder or an alcohol use disorder. Because more alcohol is usually consumed when using alcohol and Marijuana at the same time, users are at risk for alcohol poisoning and should pay close attention to how much they are consuming.

Short-term effects

Getting drunk and stoned at the same time is sometimes referred to as getting crossfaded. But while most people drink and smoke pot at the same time to enhance their buzz, mixing the two drugs isn’t always a pleasant experience. As with the short-term effects of alcohol and weed, the long-term effects differ from person to person. The short-term effects of weed and alcohol differ from person to person. A 2017 review of existing studies notes that people who use alcohol and weed together tend to consume more of both. This can increase your risk for developing a dependence on alcohol, weed, or both.

Additionally, combining the two can increase the risk of potentially harmful or distressing side effects, such as dizziness, nausea, and impaired judgment. So long as both substances are legal to possess and consume in your jurisdiction, then yes, they are legal to combine. However, the legality of both alcohol and cannabis varies by state and country. While there are little to no restrictions on the possession of alcohol, the same cannot be said of cannabis in some parts of the country.