Author: James Anderson

Spice Addiction: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention

spice addiction

However, it is important to note that spice is not a safe alternative to marijuana and people can experience dangerous reactions to the drug. Continued use of synthetic cannabinoids can cause psychotic episodes, which in extreme cases can last for weeks, and may exacerbate existing mental-health illnesses in susceptible users. But most reports of severe mental health, addiction and acts of violence as a result of regular use tend to be among prisoners and homeless people.

  1. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.
  2. Medication might be used to ease withdrawal, but not to cure Spice addiction directly.
  3. If you or someone you know struggles with spice addiction, reach out for help and support from available resources.
  4. It reinforces abstinence by providing tangible incentives for drug-free behavior.

K2, or Spice, goes by a number of different street names including, synthetic marijuana, synthetic weed, mojo drug, and fake weed. It’s also sometimes called synthetic CBD, smokable incense, or liquid K2. The drug is produced from psychoactive chemicals that are sprayed onto plant material and sold as a drug that mimics the effects of THC (the active compound in marijuana).

Spice: the drug ‘more devilish than weed’ sweeping British prisons – video

Professor David Nutt, the former chair of the ACMD, who was forced out of the post after repeatedly clashing with ministers over drugs policy, believes the ban has simply driven the spice market underground. In 2015, when spice emerged from the shadows, new psychoactive substances were involved in 204 deaths in the UK, an increase of 25% from 163 deaths in 2014. A few months ago, pictures of spice users slumped unconscious in the town’s bus station went viral on social media. K2 was reportedly first developed during the 1990s by John W. Huffman, a South Carolina chemist.

Spice is green or brown and can look like tobacco, marijuana or a bunch of mixed herbs, similar to potpourri. It differs from cannabis because it isn’t sticky and doesn’t have little buds. Spice is usually packaged attractively in colorful foil with childlike designs (like smileys, superheroes and Scooby Doo). It can be obtained easily online, in gas stations or convenience stores.

Although deaths from K2 use are still relatively rare in comparison to alcohol, opioids, and other street drugs, a number of life-threatening poisonings have been positively linked to Spice use throughout the country. Because of the substantial risks of synthetic cannabinoids, many countries have already outlawed their production, possession and distribution. But it is unlikely that the “war on drugs” will show any sign of relenting, given the rapidly evolving nature of the recreational drugs market and the lack of globalised drug-control legislation. Only by working collectively can scientists, medical professionals and law makers help to stem the flow of these dangerous compounds before they pose a serious threat to health of vulnerable groups in society. JWH-018 is now a controlled substance in many countries under narcotics legislation.

Is Spice Addictive?

While many people expect synthetic weed to deliver similar effects to regular, organic marijuana, the fact is that their expectations are rarely met. This is due to the fact that unlike cannabis, Spice is not a natural substance— it’s a substance that is comprised of a variety of highly toxic chemicals. The actual formulation used to create each batch of K2 varies a great deal depending on the drug dealer and the availability of the ingredients.

spice addiction

Spice is a synthetic cannabinoid, often mistakenly seen as a cheaper alternative to marijuana. Despite its label as a “safe alternative” to cannabis, synthetic marijuana can be dangerous and, in some cases, fatal. Having a dependence on spice can have negative implications on your health, wellbeing and relationships, which is why you should seek treatment or support if you have developed a drug addiction to spice. It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse related to spice. Learn more about addiction treatment programmes to understand more about what you can expect. Users of spice can develop both physical and psychological dependence on the drug if it is consumed regularly, and the unpredictable nature of the chemicals used in spice makes it even more dangerous.

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Last week, Wrexham drug services were warned that a batch of LSD that had been dipped in spice was in circulation in the town. Like any substance that offers a mind-altering experience, Spice can create a behavioral addiction linked to use. Many users of smokable incense report experiencing effects that are similar to marijuana, such as relaxation, altered perception, and a feeling of calm.

However, recovery is possible with the help of professional treatment options, support from loved ones, and preventative measures. If you or your social circle misuse substances, stop immediately and seek help, especially if you’re using drugs to self-medicate. Medication might be used to ease withdrawal, but not to cure Spice addiction directly. Rick Bradley, operations manager at the drug treatment charity, Addaction, is based in Kent which, prior to the ban, had more headshops than anywhere else in the country. Now with support from Arch, which helps former addicts recover their sense of self worth through volunteering and team-building exercises, he is rebuilding his life. As Wrexham’s problems attracted national attention, complaints were made about the number of spice users congregating outside the town’s drop-in centres.

How Do You Spot and Treat Spice Addiction?

Due to the high potency of some synthetic cannabinoids, the amount needed for each “hit” can be as little as a few tens of milligrams (about the size of a match head). The intoxicating effects of more potent brands – such as Clockwork Orange, Pandora’s Box and Annihilation – can be quite overpowering. Some people experience difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, and shakes and sweats, all of which can lead to a severe panic attacks. Users can experience a loss of feeling and numbness in their limbs, nausea, collapse and unconsciousness. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.