Author: James Anderson

Unequal Pupils: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

how to reduce pupil size after drugs

In some circumstances, the pupil size can indicate a severe medical emergency. Horner’s syndrome is a droopy eyelid, pupil constriction, decreased sweating, and possibly eye redness. If your pupils dilate after taking prescription medication, contact your doctor or pharmacist. You should seek treatment if you notice that your pupils are dilated and you can’t explain why. If your pupils are dilated, the black center of your eyes (pupils) are larger than usual. You should see a healthcare provider immediately if you suddenly develop unequal pupils.

how to reduce pupil size after drugs

Healthcare providers can figure out whether certain medications or other drugs have caused dilated pupils. When tested, the pupils will not respond normally to light-related stimuli. Notably, they will not constrict when the eye is exposed to a large amount of light. Your pupils (the black circle in the middle of your eye) usually change size in response to light. However, it’s also possible for the pupils to dilate, or get bigger, if the eye is injured or affected by a medical condition. In some cases, anxiety can cause pupils to dilate as a result of adrenaline.

Or you might notice someone else’s pupils are not the same size. Anisocoria is when one pupil is dilated, rather than both. But he added that the drug was now off the market in this country; he said he was not sure why. Many of the medications listed in the following table interfere with your brain’s chemical messengers, also known as neurotransmitters.

Pupils are dilated when the center black portion of your eyes takes up more space than the colorful portion of your eyes (iris). The symptoms may start with drowsiness and smaller pupils that do not react to light. They may progress to pinpoint pupils, loss of consciousness, and an inability to breathe. Although each person’s experience with drug misuse is unique, some general signs and indicators may be present in someone who has an opioid use disorder.

Drug rehabilitation programs can help a person withdraw from the drug, overcome any personal issues that might motivate drug use, and get their life back on track. Treating dilated pupils means figuring out what’s causing them to be dilated and addressing the underlying problem. For example, stopping a medication that is causing the pupils to enlarge or having surgery to fix an injury. Trauma to the eye or the brain can also cause dilated pupils.

What do dilated pupils look like?

For example, using alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine can cause dilated pupils, and opiates can cause pupillary constriction or dilation. These effects are usually symmetrical, but they may be unequal. Many medications affect pupil size and can cause anisocoria. Some of these are placed in the eye for the purpose of dilating (enlarging) the pupils as part of an eye examination or a surgical eye procedure.

how to reduce pupil size after drugs

Most of the time, dilated pupils will go back to normal size on their own. If pupils dilate suddenly, occur after a traumatic injury or cause headaches and confusion, seek medical attention immediately. In addition to medications, some recreational drugs may also cause changes in pupil size.

Dilated Pupils (Mydriasis)

Pupil dilation can be attributed to an increase in the hormone and neurotransmitter oxytocin, which acts as a chemical messenger during sexual arousal. Oxytocin also plays a role in controlling key aspects of the reproductive system, including sperm transportation and production, childbirth and breastfeeding. It can also cause bleeding inside the skull, which can make the pupils enlarge. Readers may submit questions by mail to Question, Science Times, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y.

  1. Stress can stimulate adrenaline hormones to react, resulting in dilated pupils, increased heart rate, high blood pressure and excessive sweating.
  2. Some of these are placed in the eye for the purpose of dilating (enlarging) the pupils as part of an eye examination or a surgical eye procedure.
  3. In some circumstances, the pupil size can indicate a severe medical emergency.
  4. This is when the black part at the center of the eye gets smaller, reducing the amount of light that gets inside.
  5. If you think someone may be experiencing an overdose, call 911 right away.

It takes about 20 minutes to 30 minutes for the drops to work. When they do, a provider can test the eyes for pupillary reactions, which can show if a person has a neurological problem. Some medications cause dilated pupils by interfering with the function of a muscle in the iris that controls the pupil’s size.

Pupils change in size to control how much light enters your eye. The colorful part of your eye (iris) controls the size of your pupil with tiny muscles. In bright light, your pupils will get smaller to prevent light from entering. Pinpoint-sized pupils can be a sign of opioid use and can also help a healthcare professional confirm a diagnosis of an opioid overdose when they occur with other signs.

What Is Anisocoria?

Seeking help is the most critical step on the route to recovery. A qualified healthcare professional, such as a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, or nurse, can assess the individual and develop a treatment plan to suit their needs. Opioid drugs come from the poppy plant and act on the brain to provide pain relief. They include prescription medications, such as those containing oxycodone (OxyContin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin), as well as codeine, morphine, and some illegal drugs, such as heroin. This is when the black part at the center of the eye gets smaller, reducing the amount of light that gets inside.

Constricting Your Pupils

The pupils of the eyes normally constrict (get smaller in size) in response to light and when looking at near objects. These responses should occur symmetrically (the same for both eyes), even when someone naturally has a slight difference in the size of their pupils. When one eye is exposed to light, the other eye also constricts. When your pupils are dilated, they’re slower to react to lighting changes. As a result, your eyes will be more sensitive to bright light.