Author: James Anderson

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Use?

cocaine addiction symptoms

Some people are more vulnerable to cocaine addiction than others. There is no way to predict who will develop cocaine addiction. With that said, studies have suggested that some groups are at the highest risk. These include people who also abuse alcohol and cannabis, as well as individuals who have depression. The main complication of cocaine addiction is overdose, which results in cocaine toxicity.

When cocaine excessively increases the concentration of “feel good” neurotransmitters in the brain, the drug prolongs and amplifies the effects of these chemicals. It can be stressful and overwhelming to talk with a loved one about a cocaine addiction. It’s best to keep the conversation calm and focused on your support and on places that your loved one can go for help. Steering clear of accusations and arguments can help the conversation go in a more useful direction. As your tolerance for high amounts of a drug and its effects grow, the change in brain chemical levels from everyday activities will lessen.

You may develop depression, unpredictable mood changes, paranoia, or even violent behaviors toward yourself and others. You could have hallucinations, meaning you see or hear things that aren’t there. When you snort it, it takes slightly longer to feel the effects. The 2021 survey found no differences in rates of cocaine use among different ethnic and racial groups in the U.S. A cocaine binge is when someone uses cocaine repeatedly in higher and higher doses.

cocaine addiction symptoms

If that becomes too stressful, you can seek outside help, such as additional friends or family members, or the services of professional addiction services. It can be difficult to know how to help someone who is using cocaine. Many people worry that intervening will drive their loved one away or will not make a difference. It can feel frustrating, frightening, and overwhelming to talk with someone about something as important as a cocaine issue.

What Is Cocaine Addiction?

If you or someone you know is struggling with a cocaine addiction, there are treatment options that can help. It’s possible to die from an overdose of crack or any other type of cocaine. It’s important to spot the symptoms of overdose and get help immediately. Symptoms include a high heart rate and blood pressure, seizures, hallucinations, and trouble breathing. The most important part of any treatment plan is to give up the drug right away.

cocaine addiction symptoms

Anyone who is in recovery from a cocaine addiction should make plans for a follow-up routine that will keep them moving forward in the right direction after completing a treatment program. Many treatment facilities make aftercare a part of each patient’s recovery plan, so that healthy supportive systems are put in place before the patient’s treatment has ended. The patient’s loved ones are often counseled in family therapy before discharge to ensure they know how to be supportive of the patient’s transition back into the community.

What is Cocaine Addiction?

People who smoke cocaine usually smoke a crystal form of the drug called crack, but some will smoke a mixture of powder cocaine and marijuana. More than half of people who smoke crack will develop a wheeze, cough or shortness of breath. Many crack users will also experience chest pain and cough up black mucus or blood. Tachycardia (rapid heart rate), arrhythmia (irregular heart rate or rhythm), and malignant hypertension (severely high blood pressure) can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or death. Acute kidney failure (rather than slowly deteriorating kidney function) is a life-threatening emergency that’s also common with cocaine overdose. Most aftercare plans will include regular check-ins with a psychiatrist or counselor, and 12-step meetings or other peer support groups.

  1. Cocaine addiction is a complex disease, with physical, mental, social, environmental, and familial factors.
  2. When this happens, they require larger amounts to achieve the same desired effects.
  3. If you keep using cocaine, your brain’s circuits become more sensitive.
  4. Inhaling crack or powder cocaine can also lead to acute lung injury and respiratory arrest.

Get cost-effective, quality addiction care that truly works. Cocaine is a stimulant that makes a person move faster, talk faster and think at a higher speed. This heightened state of arousal is often apparent to others.

Behavior treatment

Many people who are addicted to cocaine go through a phase called withdrawal when they first do this. Withdrawal can be difficult, so it may be best to do it with the help of a medical professional. With cocaine use disorder, you may become both physically and mentally dependent on the drug. If you stop using it, you’ll likely have withdrawal symptoms. Even if you stop using it for a long time, you could still have cravings for the drug.

If you notice a friend, family member, or other loved one demonstrating these signs, it could be because of addiction. If you or someone you know is experiencing a cocaine overdose, call 911 and seek emergency medical treatment. Overdose can occur unexpectedly and may even happen the first time someone tries cocaine. Using high doses or mixing cocaine with alcohol or other drugs increases the risk of overdose. When people snort cocaine for a long time, the nose can collapse. Holes can form in the roof of the mouth, and other parts of the face can become damaged.

Red flags for IV cocaine use include track marks (needle scars), bruising and collapsed veins. Injecting cocaine also raises the risks of contracting IV-related viruses, such as HIV and hepatitis. It makes blood vessels in the nose constrict, cutting off oxygen flow to the nasal tissues. Other chemicals that dealers add to cocaine can also irritate the lining of the nose.

For a person to be diagnosed with stimulant use disorder, they must be more than just a user. For this diagnosis, a person must meet at least two of 11 criteria outlined in the DSM-5 within the previous 12 months. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that there are around 1.5 million current users of cocaine in the United States. Having drug paraphernalia, or other items for using cocaine in your home or apartment can be a sign of addiction too. Select a state to find options for rehab centers in your area. According to recent data, about 4.8 million Americans over the age of 12 use cocaine each year, and about half a million Americans over 12 have an addiction to cocaine.